Let's Get Ranchy Online Horse Show Registration
Registration + Payment is due BEFORE you submit the online show videos. You will not be judged if payment is not received.
Let's Get Ranchy Online Horse Show Buckle Series has two separate show series Spring(March+April) and Fall (September + October). There is also (1) Winter Warm Up Show in February.
The exhibitor/horse combo with the most points in each division will be awarded a Buckle at the end of the Spring and Fall series. In the event of a tie, we will go by who received the most firsts; if there is still a tie we will have a
"run-off" using a new Ranch Riding pattern.
The February Show will have Champion & Reserve Champion prizes awarded for each division.
Ribbons will be awarded 1st-4th place from each class.
No refunds.
To view full entry form, hover over form and scroll down.
Winter Warm Up Show Entry Form
**Each Exhibitor/Horse Combo can enter multiple divisions (if they are eligible for them).
If multiple divisions are entered for the same class (Ranch Riding, Ranch Pleasure, and/or Ranch Conformation) then only one (1) video will need to be recorded for that pattern.
Off Pattern will be scored but will not place higher than exhibitors who complete the pattern correctly.
February 2025 Patterns
Pattern Book
Ranch Riding
Walk, Trot Lope
Ranch Pleasure
Walk, Trot Lope
Ranch Conformation
All Divisions